​Pre-Conception Readiness & Fertility
During this time, we focus on promoting the overall emotional and physical health of prospective parents - both male and female.
Many factors govern each person's treatment plan. Accordingly, we customize treatment to the specific needs of every patient.
It's common to schedule 1 to 2 sessions weekly for three consecutive menstrual cycles (12 weeks) prior to conception.
Benefits Include:
Promoting Overall Physical / Emotional Health
Normalizing Hormones / Regulating the Endocrine System
Enhancing the Immune System
Support for those with Health or Age-Related Risk Factors
Management of Pre-Existing Conditions
Promoting a Healthy Uterine Lining
Improving Sperm Count & Motility
Optimize Egg Quality
Regulate Menstrual Cycle
Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)
Acupuncture & TCM Therapies are excellent complements to Western medical interventions or pharmaceutically treated fertility issues.
Treatment can significantly improve success rates of ART procedures or medications - while also reducing their uncomfortable side effects.
Benefits Include:
Address High FSH
Optimize the Uterine Lining
Manage Stress / Anxiety
Improved In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Outcomes
Improved Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI) Outcomes
Mitigate Pharmaceutical Ovarian Stimulation
Reduce Incidence of Premature Ovarian Failure Syndrome
Home and clinical visits are available by arrangement to allow for treatment at optimal times prior to (egg) retrieval, as well as pre / post (embryo) transfer.
Pregnancy Health & Support
First Trimester: During the first trimester we focus on setting the foundation for a healthy pregnancy.
Treatments are designed to promote the vitality and health of the mother and baby, and address any early pregnancy discomfort.
Commonly Treated:
Nausea & Vomiting
Headache / Migraine
Fatigue / Dizziness
Second Trimester: During the second trimester we continue to focus on maintaining the health of the mother and baby - while offering relief from complaints common to this stage of pregnancy.
Commonly Treated:
Indigestion / Heartburn
Back Pain / Sciatica
Third Trimester: Throughout the third trimester we focus on preparing the body for labor and delivery - so mother and baby stay health and comfortable.
Studies show that women who receive regular acupuncture during the third trimester typically have a shorter and more productive labor, with fewer medical interventions for both the mother or child.
Commonly Treated:
General Pregnancy Discomfort
Edema, Lower Back Pain, Acid Reflux
Prevent / Manage Gestational Diabetes
Breech & Posterior Presentation (32 - 36 Wks.)
Prevention of Pre-Term Labor
Reduce Risk of High Blood Pressure (Preeclampsia)
Continue to Manage Stress / Anxiety
Body Aches
Manage Stress / Anxiety
Miscarriage Prevention
Symphysis Pubis (Pelvic Bone) Pain
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Manage / Reduce Edema
Continue to Manage Stress / Anxiety
Labor & Delivery Preparation - Doula Care
Labor and delivery is a very special and anticipatory time - reflecting
the culmination of the journey of pregnancy.
The goal at this stage is to initiate the softening of the body's tendons and ligaments, and encourage the natural process of cervical ripening and effacement.
Treatments are designed to prepare both mother and child to engage in the upcoming stages of labor and delivery.
Commonly Treated:
Encourage Cervical Ripening & Effacement
Promote Smooth Uterine Contractions (Early Labor / Pre-Labor)
Reduce Anxiety, Promote Relaxation
Regulate Blood Pressure (Mother / Baby)
Reduce incidents of “Stalled Labor”
We also work with women throughout the entire labor and delivery process - utilizing Doula Training, Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine and Manual Therapy.
Post-Partum Care & Recovery
Postpartum is the time for re-balancing and restoration after the amazing process of childbirth. Treatment focuses on supporting the mother's healing process and the recovery of her body's strength and energy.
Nutritional guidance and herbal remedies are often key during this period - and are excellent compliments to acupuncture and gentle body therapies.
Home and hospital visits are available during this time - to ensure that new Moms receive the care they need.
Commonly Treated:
Stabilize Sleep
Post-Partum Bleeding
Reduce Post-Partum Pain
Post-Partum Mood Disorders
Improve Post-Partum Fatigue
Promote Lactation
Residual Effects of Medications
Post-Partum Mood Disorders
Cesarean Recovery
Improve Lactation