Women's Health
We offer a full range of Women's Healthcare - including everyday ailments and concerns and gynecological issues for girls and women of all ages.
Our Fertility Readiness Programs help prepare you for conception at your very best. This includes those undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technologies - ART (IVF, IUI) in support of their fertility goals.
Pregnancy Health treatments are designed to promote the vitality and health of the mother and baby. This includes addressing any variety of pregnancy discomforts (i.e. morning sickness, fatigue, muscle aches, etc.) throughout all three stages of pregnancy.
We also work with women throughout the entire Labor and Delivery process - integrating Doula care, Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine and Manual Therapy within each clinical session.
Postpartum is the time for re-balancing and restoration after the amazing process of childbirth. Treatment for Post-Partum and Recovery focuses on supporting the mother's healing process and the recovery of her body's strength and energy.
For complete details - please call: (917) 210-1063